Sunday, May 24, 2015

Breathtaking Views (sometimes due to the altitude)

My favorite part of traveling is seeing the various landscapes of the world. Mountains may be the best natural landmarks. Aside from learning about the Peruvian culture in class and in the different towns and historical places we have visited, I think that I have learned so much about Peru through the mountains. They play such a pivotal role in the cultural advancements of Peru and everyday life. The Andes control the climate, the height of the people, and even the cooking in Cusco. They are vital to Peru. Everywhere we go, you can always see a mountain. From the penthouse, to the CBC classroom, and even from the outdoor bathrooms in Chinchero, mountain ranges were visible. The snow covered mountains were even more so gorgeous. 
The most breathtaking views were in Machu Picchu. As cliché as it may sound, the views at Machu Picchu were spiritual. Hiking up to the Sun Temple was hard but it was well worth it. Reaching the top of the mountain is always the goal when hiking, but in Machu Picchu if felt like it was more than that. I am so glad that we were able to climb up early in the morning because of the fog. Being in a cloud was fun in itself, but when the fog lifted, the view was phenomenal. Peru is beautiful. 

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